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Help hospice care live on for all, for now, forever.

Leave a gift in your Will.

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We're here for you...

The need for our care is growing faster than ever

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Join us and Walk Your Ridgeway

Explore this stunning ancient walkway whilst supporting your local hospice

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Our Hospice is a gift the community gives to itself 

Outstanding hospice care means listening to our hospice family. It means more choice about how care happens.

<h2><strong>I need support</strong></h2>

I need support

Find out how we may be able to support you and how you can self-refer

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<h2><strong>I'm a carer / family member</strong></h2>

I'm a carer / family member

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<h2><strong>I would like to help raise money</strong></h2>

I would like to help raise money

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<h2><strong>I would like to volunteer</strong></h2>

I would like to volunteer

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"I always looked up to my brothers so when John was diagnosed with lung cancer it was hard because the tables were turned."

John and Adele's story

"The care John received from the Hospice was invaluable. When you haven’t got a lot of time, to have everything instantly sorted is so powerful"

John and Adele's Story

Be loud. Be Hospice Proud.

Your ongoing support is a gift to local families.


patients and their families supported every year


increase in our referrals since 2021/22


needed annually to fund our care


of our funding relies on the kindness of our local community.

Your support changes lives

Do something incredible today 1 in 4 people can’t get the care they need at end of life.
One Off
£33 £106 £178
Yes, I would like to make a one off donation of £33
A donation of £33 could fund one hour of rehabilitation to improve mobility and promote independence