Heart Failure Support
We are delighted to announce the launch of our Hospice of St Francis/CLCH Heart Failure Support Group.
The first meeting will be on Thursday 31st October in the Spring Centre at the Hospice from 11.15am to 1.15pm. The group will meet monthly on a Thursday.
This group is aimed at people with a diagnosis of heart failure, and those supporting them. It will be a chance to meet others living with similar problems, and to talk about how this feels.
There will be coffee and biscuits available. Come and hear about ways we can help you and your family.
The group will be led by Julie Wilcock, Heart Failure Palliative Care Nurse Specialist.
There will be sessions given by members of our team including doctors, our pharmacist and our social workers. We will also hear from our physiotherapist and occupational therapists and there will be an opportunity for carers to meet with a member of our carer support team.
For more information and details of future dates please email hospiceofstfrancis.berkhamsted@nhs.net, give us a call on 01442 869550 or complete our self referral form using the link below.
Please come and take part in this exciting opportunity to help you live well with heart failure.

Meet Julie...
"I want heart failure patients to know they can be supported through their journey.
I’m setting up a heart failure support group that will launch in October for patients and their carers.
I’m also building a caseload of heart failure patients where we can focus on improving their quality of life.
At the Hospice, we have heart failure outpatient appointments, and we do home visits for people who are not able to get to the Hospice, providing symptom management and education to maintain independence."