The Hospice of St Francis is a registered charity, which relies on fundraising and donations to enable its work supporting patients and families facing life-limiting illness to continue.
We are aware of recent headlines about questionable commercial relationships between charities and business and the vulnerable being targeted by aggressive and intrusive fundraising methods.
However, we would like to reassure all our supporters and donors that The Hospice of St Francis does not use and has never used these methods of fundraising.
We do not, and will not, pass on contact details of our supporters and donors to anyone else, including other charities. All donations are assumed to be confidential, unless otherwise stated.
We do not enter into any commission-based or other deals with third parties. We do not employ fundraising or marketing agencies to target people by telephone, or in the street, to persuade them to set up regular donations to The Hospice of St Francis.
We respect the wishes of supporters and donors who ask for no further contact from us and we adhere to Data Protection Law.
The Hospice of St Francis, which is a member of the Institute of Fundraising, adheres to the key principles embodied in its Code of Fundraising Practice and will abide by any relevant fundraising legislation established in response to the Etherington Review (September 2015).
The Hospice of St Francis has a small fundraising team which works hard to raise 80% of over £6 million the Hospice needs annually to fund its care, through Hospice-organised fundraising events, challenge & community events, home boxes and collecting tubs, corporate events, applications to trusts and foundations, gifts left in Wills (legacies), major gifts from individuals, in-memoriam gifts, The Hospice Lottery Partnership and general donations.
We are fortunate to have many people who believe in our work and do some incredible things to raise money for us. We would like to thank all of you who take part in our mass events, run marathons, cycle, skydive, organise cake sales and events or have become a Fantastic Fundraiser. We are so very grateful for your support.