Social Care Support
Our team of qualified, and experienced social workers offer psychosocial and emotional support for you, and your family/carers if you have a serious illness. We assess your current and future needs, and can offer a wide variety of practical support.
This can include housing advice, care planning, funding options, welfare benefits, options if you are off work, information on financial affairs.
We can also provide signposting to other organisations who could help you, such as the Citizens Advice Bureau, Health and Social Care of Age U.K.
If yourself, a relative or partner would like support from our Social Care team please do fill in our short referral form.

We also recognise that ill health can affect your whole family both practically and emotionally. We will help you to navigate the care system, ensure you are receiving the correct advice and welfare benefits, legal advice for Lasting Power or Attorney and can provide advocacy or mediation support in complex situations.
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a family member or friend who due to illness or disability cannot cope without their support. If required the social work team can meet with carers to identify their support needs and ensure they are linked in with appropriate carer support services.
Our social work team have a duty to protect those who are vulnerable and at risk. Ensuring the health and welfare of those using our services is paramount. If there are concerns they will be addressed appropriately.
The Spring Centre
Our Spring Centre is a free Health and Wellbeing Centre in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, which can help you to live your precious life well.
We’re here for adults who have a serious illness such as cancer or who have a neurological, heart or lung condition.