Diagnosed with prostate cancer over twelve years ago, Charles set up a support group to offer adventure and community to men living with prostate cancer. The Prostate Pedallers meet up and cycle in the Chilterns weekly, benefitting both physically and emotionally.
“To ride with other guys in the same situation with the same illness is a powerful tonic,” Charles explains. “We confide in each other about absolutely everything.”
Charles began accessing care at the Hospice of St Francis recently, and said it’s had a massive impact on him already: “I’ve gone over a decade really wanting to talk about dying, and because of one meeting with Wendy [Community Nurse] it’s enabled conversations to flow with my wife. And that’s enormous.”
“Community is everything,” Charles says. “It’s about support and sharing lessons and being together face-to-face. Talking about things makes it easier to deal with the issues.”
Want to know more about Prostate Pedallers? Email Charles@prostatepedallers.co.uk
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