Frequently Asked Questions

You may have questions about coming to The Hospice of St Francis, or accessing our care. Hopefully you will find the relevant answers below, otherwise please do call us on 01442 869550.

Staying at our Inpatient Unit - FAQs

Why has my doctor suggested I come into the Hospice to stay?

If I come into the Hospice, will I ever get home?

Do you have a waiting list?

Can my family stay with me?

Can I stay in The Hospice of St Francis long term?

What are the visiting times?

Can I smoke in The Hospice of St Francis?

What do I need to bring into the Hospice?

I am very attached to my dog – can somebody bring him to visit me?

Is there anything for my children to do when they visit me?

I want to send my family emails when I am in the Hospice – is that possible?

Can I use a phone while staying in the Hospice?

General - FAQs

Corneal and Tissue Donation

Care at Home - FAQs

What exactly will my St Francis Specialist Nurse do?

Can my nurse stay overnight with me?

How will I know who to ring?
