What can my school do?
Talk about what we do and help us to raise awareness
We can provide speakers for whole-school assemblies, or to come in to individual year or form groups.
Schools are welcome to visit the Hospice to learn more about us, and have a tour of our facilities and grounds including the woodland trail (weather permitting).
Raise funds to support us
Be it big or small, a sponsored event, non-uniform day or cake sale, we would love to hear about your fantastic FUNdraising plans to support us, so we can support you in return.
As it's our 40th birthday, why not have a fun fundraising challenge? Can each class raise £40?
Make The Hospice of St Francis your school’s Charity of the Year
We’ll work with you to help your students and staff really understand the work of the Hospice and support your fundraising.
Volunteer in a group
If you would like to volunteer on your own or with some friends, there are many ways you could get involved:
- become a Hospice Ambassador in your school - share about our events and help to raise awareness about what Hospice care really looks like
- help at an event (must be over 15 years of age)
- do some research for us - we have had students helping us find out how we can use social media better or coming up with ideas to say thanks to our current volunteers. If you're interested in giving some hours to help us improve, just get in touch
There are so many ways your school could make a real difference and develop a great relationship with us here at the Hospice.
Below are a few examples of how schools can get involved with the Hospice and our fundraising activities.
Hobletts Manor Junior School - 11th February 2016
Hobletts Manor Junior School Council made the Hospice of St Francis their Charity of the year for the 2015/16 academic year. The school raised £187. 87 from a Go Purple cake sale and have another cake sale planned after Easter.
The photo shows members of the School Council; Hugo, Jasmine, Ewan, Sadie, Jai, Harrison and Abigail with Deputy Head Kathryn Boulder and Community Fundraiser, Sarah Ajder.

Westbrook Hay School's Charity Committee visit to the Hospice - 28th January 2016
Community Fundraiser Sarah Ajder was pleased to welcome pupils from Westbrook Hay School when 14 members of their Charity Committee visited the Hospice to present a cheque for £1,383.53 raised by supporting our ‘Go Purple’ day and collections at school events over Christmas.
Their visit included a tour of the Hospice, an art activity in the Sunshine Room with our Child Support team and a welcome to the chapel from Hospice Chaplin Ray. The Hospice have been chosen as the school’s charity of the year and more events are planned in the Spring term.

Your school community can still support one of our many fundraising events by joining in the fun or helping us with promotion; Could you put a copy of our latest events calendar up in the school or on your website, or hand out flyers to your students? Please get in touch if you would like to know more, and we can send you the latest, up-to-date, events calendar.
For any school related queries, or to request a visit to your school, please e mail Fundraising or call 01442 869555.