Daniel is 17 and has volunteered on the Inpatient Unit since March. He comes in twice a month to deliver meals to patients.
Daniel said: “I’d never been in a hospice before, but I wanted to assist patients and make it easier if I could. It’s nice to just talk to people and give them a bit of company. I like hearing what they’ve done in their lives, and usually they enjoy talking about their family. When the Euros were on, it was quite nice to talk about the football.
“A volunteer might be nervous initially, but everyone’s very, very nice. They give you shadow sessions before you go on a shift by yourself. A lot of volunteers have been doing it for several years and know exactly what they’re doing – so they can guide you quite easily.
“You get a lot of exposure out of it. You get to talk to patients, their family members, and the nurses. I’m thinking of going into medicine, and I just want to assist in whatever way I can.”
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