Bill, aged 88 from St Albans, recently spent 11 days on the Hospice’s Inpatient Unit. Living with the lung condition COPD, he has been receiving intravenous antibiotics as well as constant oxygen support.
“The nurse from my GP Surgery was so excited when she told me there was a bed available at St Francis for me. I didn’t know what the Hospice was or what they did. I had a feeling they cared for some people who were dying. I was exhausted. Now I know why she was so excited – it’s made a huge difference.”
“Come here. This is the place for you,” shares Bill when asked how people should feel about the Hospice.
Bill, who had a previous admission to Watford General Hospital, explains that the Hospice team have also treated the water retention in his legs, a common symptom of COPD.
“It doesn’t matter who you are. The doctors and nurses are incredible. They must have some sort of extra special training. I only had to look ill and they are there to help! They’ve added time to my life.”
Bill jokes, “The Hospice is brilliant – it’s like being at the Savoy! I have a chat with the nurses all the time. I think they like me, they said I was a good bloke!”
Dr Chadwick, Medical Director, shares “Bill was admitted to the Hospice Inpatient Unit to have a course of intravenous antibiotics to treat his lung condition. This prevented him from having to go back into hospital which he really did not want to do. At the same time he was able to benefit from the holistic approach that the Hospice team offers, working with our therapist to improve his breathing and his mobility. It has been a pleasure to look after him and see his condition improve so dramatically.”
Bill has been discharged, returning home where he lives with his wife.
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