Ray Dyer

My late younger brother Ray – or Cllr Raymond Dyer, as he was known to many – made the Hospice his focus, and his hobby, after the untimely death of my dear sister-in-law Betty to breast cancer when she was just 60


Betty was Ray’s beloved wife of nearly 40 years and she passed away at the old Hospice in Shrublands Road in October 1991. 

Ray couldn’t have been more grateful for the Hospice’s kindness, care and love - not only for Betty in the last months of her illness, but for its bereavement care for him afterwards. 

After Betty’s death, he worked tirelessly to support the Hospice’s work. He ran a book and bric-a-brac stall of donated items, on Berkhamsted Market for many years - receipts I’ve found total over £6,018. 

On 1st August 1993 he and his beloved pet Labrador Sam raised £1,456 for the Hospice by completing what was called a sponsored ‘Berkhamsted Bypass Walkies’. This took place immediately after this 7-mile stretch of the A41 was built, but a few weeks before it was officially opened in September that year. 

Sam (pictured right with Ray) was a super dog – he took the place of Betty and was so wonderful to Ray. He was an honorary member of the Friends of the Hospice and even bore a badge on his collar to say so! He accompanied Ray on his fundraising ventures, and raised funds on his own by finding lost golf balls on their many walks around the golf course, which were then sold back to golf club members. Ray had a nerve but he got away with it! 

In 1995, during his year as Mayor of Berkhamsted, Ray chose the Hospice as his official charity and among other things raised over £500 by organising a quiz night and raffle at Berkhamsted Civic Centre. Over 20 teams battled it out and he managed to secure over 30 raffle prizes, including a giant teddy bear, which Ray had won in a Royal British Legion raffle, and a camera which Sam had won in a raffle at a Sergeant Pepper concert. 

Ray loved the Hospice and he loved Berkhamsted, the town where he’d lived all his life and where he died after many happy years, at the age of 81 in August 2012. 

We donated the proceeds from his funeral collection to the Hospice, along with the contents of a jar of coppers Ray always kept on the shelf. 

He would have been so proud to celebrate the Hospice’s 40th birthday, and it’s such a shame he’s no longer with us to do so, but I’m looking forward to celebrating on his behalf by coming to your Garden Party and Open Afternoon with my best friend and chauffeur Kim, so I can thank you in person for everything you’ve done for our family.” 


Doreen Lister (nee Dyer), aged 89