Meet Claire, Carer Support Lead

The Hospice is holistic, adaptable ,caring and demonstrates great team work.


When someone is diagnosed with a serious illness, everybody in the family is affected. It takes time to adjust and find ways of managing. Here at the Hospice, we can help the family address questions about caring, financial support and how to plan for the future. We can offer support to process the situation and how to try and explain to others what is going on, as well as providing emotional support if needed. 

We caught up with our hospice Carer Support Lead, Claire to learn more about how she came to join our team in nearly 13 years ago, after responding to an advert in the local paper… 

The Hospice is holistic, adaptable ,caring and demonstrates great team work. I joined the Team in 2010 after seeing an advert in the local paper for a part-time Carer Support Lead Post. Prior to joining the Hospice I had many years experience working in Health and Social Care and wanted to use this to join the Family Support Team at the Hospice local to me. 

One of the favourite things about my role is making a difference during a very stressful and uncertain time.  Specifically supporting people to be daring in communications with their family member, so they can work together on future care planning and focus on living today.” 

Claire has a varied and busy role leading the Carer service. She says, “A large amount of my time is supporting family members (informal carers) individually, both emotionally and practically and we use the Carer Support needs Assessment Tool- Intervention (CSNAT-I).This enables us together, led by the carer, to prioritise their support needs at that moment in time and agree support moving forwards, working closely with the multidisciplinary team. 

She continues, “I work closely with other charities and local organisations supporting carers. I manage a wonderful team of  fantastic volunteers. Carer Support Volunteers who visit patients at home under our care. I also run support groups for carers under the care of the Hospice and those supporting those living with Pulmonary Fibrosis.  In addition, I run courses for Carers in the Spring Centre. The main course being the ‘Care Towards the End of Life Course’ which enables family members to have a safe space to explore the subject, empowering them with information and knowledge and be guided by experts in the field as well as receiving and sharing ideas and support from the other attendees. She also runs monthly Carers Coffee sessions at our Spring Centre. 

I have plenty of lovely memories since joining the Hospice family.  I enjoy the teamwork and working with skilled colleagues. One of my lasting memories has to be seeing the positive impact that information, and particularly a video, from the Care Towards the End of Life course had on a wife supporting her husband to die at home. She was proud of how calmly and confidently this had enabled her to manage the situation which she said wouldn’t have happened without the support and knowledge gained on the course” . 

In conclusion, we asked Claire her favourite lunch on the menu… she responds, “The egg and tomato sandwiches are my top choice on the menu!” 

If you would like more information about our Carer Support at the Hospice, please visit our website: