Meet Barbara, Communications Volunteer

I love everybody I work with; the team atmosphere in the office is so lovely and friendly.


 “Seven years ago, when I found that I had secondary breast cancer, I turned to the Hospice for support. When you live alone it’s good to feel there’s someone out there who cares about you. I had counselling and complementary therapies as an outpatient, including Pilates, Reflexology and Massage. Everyone was so kind and caring. At such a worrying time, they helped me to relax and feel better.    

I was so impressed by the Hospice – the surroundings, the staff and the whole atmosphere – that I wanted to give something back.  When I discovered that they were looking for a volunteer with IT skills, I applied and was accepted. Before retiring, I had taught IT and was glad to keep using those skills. I have now been volunteering with the Hospice’s Communications team for five years.  

I love everybody I work with; the team atmosphere in the office is so lovely and friendly. Even though I don’t have direct contact with patients, I’m aware that everything is centred around making the Hospice a wonderful place for patients to feel relaxed and cared for. 

Coming here gives a real focus to my week. As a retired person, it makes me feel I still have something to give to my community.  

I intend to leave something in my will to the Hospice. I also play the Hospice Lottery and make regular donations. The Hospice is a wonderful, uplifting place.”